Please help us keep underprivileged children in school, by leaving a one-time donation or supporting our efforts on an on-going basis. We appreciate your support!
Welcome to African Children Literacy Foundation (ACLF), founded in 2011, to help underprivileged children remain in school.
ACLF, in a three-way partnership amongst Truth and Life Institute, the parents/guardians of underprivileged children, and the respective schools the children go to, ensures that the children remain in school among their friends, and continue to learn and develop.
African Children Literacy Foundation Videos
African Children Literacy Foundation Videos

The Human Life Is All About Godliness!
Our goal is to keep every child in school that wants to be in school, even when their parents could no longer afford to pay their school fees and keep them in school.
Education is a basic human necessity, which every child deserves to have, not only for the child's good, but for the society's as a whole.
The world must give every child the opportunity to learn and improve their life because God had made enough resources available to the world, to train every child He brought into the world.
Education is for all children, and not just for the privileged! Everyone of us owe it to all the children of the world, regardless of their geography, their religion, language or culture.
Jesus Christ reminded the devil that "it is written." It is the right of all human beings to read and understand all the truth which God has posited for all mankind in the Bible. And no one reads unless they first get the education they need.
We must educate the children of the world - all children!