We throw labels around to make ourselves feel special. When it comes to protestantism, every human being is one. Your “saltiness” in God’s Electrolysis of Life (Matthew 5:13) is what makes you think for yourself; what makes you do what is right and just in your interactions with your fellow human beings; what makes you love your neighbor as you love yourself; what makes you bear one another’s burden to fulfill the law of Christ; what makes you teach your children to do what is right and just; what makes you think more highly of others than of yourself. Your “saltiness” in God’s Electrolysis of Life, is doing the good works which God had prepared in advance for you to do (Ephesians 2:10), when He created you in Jesus Christ, the Word (Genesis 1:26). Your “saltiness” in God’s Electrolysis of Life is your subjugation of your mind to your intelligible human heart, which is your spirit; your “eating of the flesh of the Son of Man and drinking of His blood” to have life in you (John 6:53-58); as well as your living of the Beatitudes of Matthew 5:3-11. Notice that in the “series” wiring format, at a fixed voltage, added light fixtures translate into added resistance (R) and reduced current flow (I). However, you must remember that resistance (R) is an “opposition to progress,” which does not come from God (1 John 1:5), but from human sins (impedance—Ephesians 4:30). Now, since Voltage (V) is equal to the product of Current and Resistance (V = IR)—where current is designated as “I”, and Resistance as “R”; If we obey God and stop sinning, none of us, as “salt” (Matthew 5:13) in God’s Electrolysis of Life (1 Corinthians 12:12-27), will bring any Resistance (R) to Jesus who is the Circuitry of Life (John 14:6) in God’s Electrolysis of Life! Without sin (R) in any of us to impede the Current of Life that is the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30), Resistance to the Current of Life that is the Holy Spirit is reduced to unity (1). In that case, Voltage (V) will therefore equal Current (I): that is V = (1)(I). Is lack of resistance to the current of life that is the Holy Spirit, not the unity of all the people of God, which Jesus Christ commanded (John 17:15-21); (Ephesians 4:2-7), and sacrificed His life on the cross for? In the unity of all the people of God, whatever strength of current passes through the first person in the Circuitry of Life, is the same strength of current that passes through each of the other people in the circuitry, because there are no sins (no impedance to the Current of Life — Ephesians 4:30).Notice that in the parallel wiring format, each light fixture is a closed circuit of its own, and completely insulated from the troubles of the other fixtures around it. Because of that, a break in the circuitry of any of the light fixtures in a parallel wiring, does not cause all the light fixtures to go out. Only the light fixture whose circuitry is broken, goes out, while the rest of them remain on.Is the “parallel” wiring format not the system which the world has favored in everything, over the God-approved “series” wiring format of 1 Corinthians 12:12-27? The “parallel” wiring format allows those who are well-connected in society, to keep piling up wealth for themselves, and remain insulated from the poverty and hardship that continues to cripple most of the people around them.This is the reason why it is in thinking that we receive revelations from God—scientific and otherwise! Think for yourself some more then, and free yourself from the devil’s lies, which the world systems continue to perpetuate! The way a computer that received a confusing command must be disconnected from the power source to be freed from endless loops that lead to nowhere; is the same exact way our minds, which have been clogged up with filth from the world, must disconnect from the world and its corrupting systems, to allow our minds to re-engage with God in thinking—for our good, as well as the good of our neighbors (Romans 12:1-21); (Ezekiel 18:31)! We must each regain our “saltiness” to live right!
Everyone Is A Protestant!
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Table of Diagram……………………………………………………………………………………………….
Author’s Note…………………………………………………………………………………………………...
No One Thinks for Themselves Anymore!
The Best Time to Act on Anything in Life is Always Now!
Nobody Adds Disclaimers to the Truth; Except Christian Preachers.
Christ’s Sacrifice on the Cross ushered the Rule of Love into the world, in obsolescence of the Rule of Law!
Two Sides of Wisdom—Discernment and Learnedness.
Philanthropy Is Not Love.
Circumcision is the Rule of Law while Baptism is the Rule of Love.
Marriage was designed by God to be the rebirth into God of every man/woman, who chooses to marry.
Jesus Christ obsoleted the Rule of Law the moment He was Revealed as the Christ (at His Baptism)
In sacrificing His life on the cross, Jesus Christ ushered in the Rule of Love to rule the Entire World.
The Gentile church leaders trampled underfoot Christ’s Rule of Love by reviving the Rule of Law
The Church has always been in the World since Adam and Eve at the Garden of Eden.
History of “the Church” on the Planet Earth.
Clues for the Identification of the Garden of Eden.
Everyone is sometimes a Jew and at other times, a Gentile!
Jesus Christ interchangeably Spoke to Man and Spirts in the Same Breath!
Mercy is a Science, which Everyone Must Painstakingly Execute to Tap its Rewards!
God created all Human Beings into His Electrolysis of Life that is his Church on the Earth!
Sin is the only thing that creates all the problems in the world!
The Rule Of Love Remains The Only Assured Pathway to The Truth!
Love is God’s Electrolysis of Life, that connects all peoples of God everywhere as one nation under God.
Disobedience of God by Believers is the Real Threat to Life on the Earth—and not Secularism!
What does Jesus Christ Mean by being “Poor in Spirit”? .
Our Father, Who art in Heaven.
Time is The Beginning of Everything in Our World and Our Universe; and Time Governs Everything!
Jesus did not weep for Lazarus, but for Your Soul because of Your Protestantism!
“Make this Cup Pass Away” is Christ letting the world know that He was about to lose His Divinity.
Church Leaders Must Focus on Recovering Every Human Soul to God, instead of Focusing on Religion.
Everyone Must Submit to the Authorities placed over them by God or draw God’s wrath on themselves!
Domination is a Poison Pill that Kills Love. Authority Must therefore beware of Domination!
Christianity is Not a European Religion or a European Brand!
Trinitarian Balances are The Key to Unity in Family, Church and Society (Government)!
The Church is to the World, what the Levites were to the Israelites! … ...
Protestantism is A Grave Sin, which All Believers Must Repent From..
To get the right understanding, you must continously meditate on what you read from the Bible.
To Obey God is Better than Offering Sacrifices to God.
The Gentile Church Urgently Needs to Understand and Teach the Science of the Scriptures.
No human being can do for God, what God cannot do for Himself
The 1000-year-rule of the Book of Revelation.
Jesus Christ sacrificed His Life to take us from the Cosine to the Sine Trajectory of Life (John 3:3)!
When the Thousand Years Are Over, Nations Would Be Deceived by Satan.
The Holy Spirit Indeed Teaches Us All Truths.
What Exactly Was Job Apologizing to God For? .
The Trinities of God, of Life, and of the Other Aspects of the Human Life!
Trinitarian Balance is the Righteousness of God within each Human Being.
The Prince of this World is the Collective Will of the People (Political Systems of Government)!
Be Sure that the Message of the Gospel is “a Demonstration of the Spirit and of Power” in Your Life!
Why Just Talk, When What You Must Do Is Work? .
Do Not Lean on Your Own Understanding.
The Depth of the Spoken Word Makes Words Easily Misunderstood.
Hospitals are opposed to Health; and Prisons are opposed to Love.
God Continually Presents Us with His Jug-handles of Mercy, in spite of our long history of Protestantism..
Society Elites Who Sin, must be Rebuked by Christian Leaders!
Protestantism is a Scornful Challenge to the Authority of God.
Jesus Christ Died for Life and Good Health, not for Hospitals!
Mercy is the Infinitely advanced Science that is Continuously Alive and Active!
Holiness and Temptations!
Making Everything New..
“Some who are standing here will not taste death before they see that the kingdom of God has come”
Where was Jesus Christ for the three Days Between His Crucifixion and Resurrection? .
The Valley of the Shadow of Death.
“Put every man his sword on his side, and go from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay …”
The Microstructures of Space are Special Diamonds that Reveal one Realm of Space and Conceal Seven.
All Human Souls Translate from Our Space to the Human Bodies We, each, Possess!
Be Confident in the Mighty Power and the Unfailing Promises of Your God, Because He is Faithful!
Truth as God tells it in the Scriptures versus as the Gentile church teaches it versus as the world projects it
Other Titles from this Author
Figure 1: God’s Design of the Human Intellect—the Human Mind Must Continually Submit to the Human Spirit 16 Figure 2: The Flow of the Human Thought and Reasoning 18 Figure 3: Series Wiring—God’s approved Human-to-Human connection & Society-to-Society connection 21 Figure 4: Parallel Wiring—God’s Condemned Wiring format in human communities (family, church, society, etc.) 24 Figure 5: Human Beings Looking like Trees Walking Around 26 Figure 6: Yoking Ourselves Together with One Another, and with Christ, in God’s Electrolysis of Life—Circuitry 27 Figure 7: Yoking Ourselves Together with One Another, and with Christ, in God’s Electrolysis of Life—Ionic 28 Figure 8: Yoked Animals 29 Figure 9: Spiritual Baptism—Circumcision of a Repented Sinner’s Heart By Jesus Christ—Ionic 31 Figure 10: God is Always leading the way, whether you are gathering with Him or Scattering in opposition to Him 33 Figure 11: God’s Rule of Love, which Jesus Christ Sacrificed His Life on the Cross for 37 Figure 12: Sin is Not Only a Matter of Science, but also a Matter of Economics 50 Figure 13: Sin is Electrical Impedance to the Current of Life that is the Holy Spirit of God 52 Figure 14: Ask, Seek and Knock on God’s Door 54 Figure 15: Willing Submission to Authority is love, and Prevents Domination by Authority from Surfacing 57 Figure 16: It takes childlike trust and devotion to learn what God is trying to teach you—Mark 10:14-15 NIV………... 61 Figure 17: In the Highway of Life, God’s Jug-Handle of Mercy is Ever-so-present 82 Figure 18: Philanthropy is Not Love 85 Figure 19: The Tangled Pair and Genetic Transfers 92 Figure 20: God’s Most Important Authority Hierarchy on the Earth 95 Figure 21: Christ’s Obsolescence of the Rule of Law 99 Figure 22: The Gentile Church Leaders’ Trampling Underfoot of Christ’s Rule of Love 100 Figure 23: Evangelization of all the peoples of the world as commanded by Jesus Christ 108 Figure 24: The Garden of Eden 127 Figure 25: The Garden of Eden, the Eternal Rock, God’s Church on the Earth Forever 128 Figure 26: The World’s Tectonic Plates 129 Figure 27: Our finger Prints show our Individuality and Our Palm Prints show Our Common Heritage in Eden 130 Figure 28: In the beginning, the church was home, school, farm, business, government and the entirety of life 136 Figure 29: Circumcision of a Repented Sinner’s Heart By Jesus Christ in God’s Electrolysis of Life - Ionic 143 Figure 30: Yoking ourselves together with one another, and with Christ in God’s Electrolysis of Life—Ionic 144 Figure 31: Our finger Prints show our Individuality while Our Palm Prints show Our Common Heritage in Eden 151 Figure 32: Map of Arabian Peninsula in Contrast with the Palm Print of the Left Hand of each Human Being 153 Figure 33: Map showing early Mesopotomia—the modern day Middle East 156 Figure 34: Aras River is Gihon River of the Garden of Eden 157 Figure 35: God’s Seat of Mercy—Christ’s Purification by Electrolysis 165 Figure 36: In the Highway of Life, God’s Jug-Handle of Mercy is Ever-so-present 172 Figure 37: God’s Seat of Mercy—Christ’s Purification by Electrolysis 174 Figure 38: Yoking ourselves together with one another, and with Christ in God’s Electrolysis of Life—Circuitry 175 Figure 39: Mountains, Plains and Valleys are Telling us the Story of Good and Evil 184 Figure 40: Everything Natural Extends from the Supernatural and is Controlled by the Supernatural 185 Figure 41: God’s Kingdoms of Light and Their Respective Rulers 187 Figure 42: Sin Brought Law into Human Lives, and Law Brings Judgement and Death 199 Figure 43: Yoking ourselves together with one another, and with Christ in God’s Electrolysis of Life—Ionic 212 Figure 44: The Space Occupied by Our Universe is a Tiny Space, Carved out from the Space of Heaven by God 213 Figure 45: God’s Seat of Mercy—Christ’s Purification by Electrolysis 215 Figure 46: The Bible’s Vivid Description of the Extra Dimensions of Space 236 Figure 47: Mirror Images—In the beginning, the church was home, school, farm, business, career, government, etc. 237 Figure 48: Our Space is Six-Dimensional—and not Three-Dimensional 237 Figure 49: The visible Life Realm controls Each Microstructure of Space, holding the Death Realm a Prisoner 238 Figure 50: The Microstructures of Space scroll through All of God’s Creations, and collect info on Everything 239 Figure 51: Our Space is carved Out of the Space of Heaven by God to hold Our Universe 240 Figure 52: Reason is not an alternate pathway to trusting in the divine power of God 242 Figure 53: Reason must be totally contained within faith in God, to lead to greater joy 243 Figure 54: The 12-Hour-Daylight spread of Day 1 of Creation (Genesis 1:3-5) .……………………………………..255 Figure 55: God’s mercy removes the filth that makes it impossible for us to remain on the path of righteousness 273 Figure 56: All human laws are conforming laws that must be backed by the commands of God (Deueronomy 17:18-20) 275 Figure 57: Christ’s soul is the fullness of the Holy Trinity, whereas the human soul is teleported to every person 291 Figure 58: Image of God with the likeness of the Fallen Adam, is the Human Sinful Nature 296 Figure 59: Baptism is designed by God to restore a sinner to Octant I of this diagram, and help them stay there! 298 Figure 60: Cosine is the Trajectory of Everybody’s Natural Life, and Sine, their Born-Again Life 299 Figure 61: Angels and Demons ………………………………………………………………………………………307 Figure 62: You are born again when your speech/deeds reflect the holiness your baptism has bestowed on you 316 Figure 63: Willing Submission to Authority is Love, and prevents Domination by Authority from Surfacing 318 Figure 64: The Family Trinity is the Most Basic Congregation Church on the planet Earth 320 Figure 65: The bond that holds the divine Trinity together-love-is the same bond that holds other trinities together 321 Figure 66: The Justice Systems everywhere is supposed to be about letting Truth Reign throughout Society 325 Figure 67: Marriage is only second to our person, when it comes to the trinities of life 327 Figure 68: This is how God designed and commissioned the church to work, to avoid Protestantism 329 Figure 69: This is how God designed and commissioned all human governments to work 346 Figure 70: Faith is All Inclusive: All aspects of the human life must operate within one’s faith in God/Christ 351 Figure 71: The way we Live today, shows that we have more faith in the World Systems than we each have in God 353 Figure 72: God’s Angels of Light 360 Figure 73: Knowledge of Darkness is as deep as Knowledge of God is High 383 Figure 74: The More Diffused a Voided Spirit is, the higher the destructive Power of the Voided Spirit 385 Figure 75: “Born Again” is the start of the Journey of Holiness, and not the Destination 387 Figure 76: Structurally unsafe Building that could only implode 390 Figure 77: Life is a Trinity which all Human Beings Must Aspire to Reach 391 Figure 78: Every conforming law must conform to the Trinity of the truth to be Just 392 Figure 79: Everything in the Human Life is Set at Equilibrium by God, with a Clear Path for Navigation 405 Figure 80: Simulation of a Man’s Soul for better understanding of the human souls 408 Figure 81: God’s Design of the Human Intellect—the Human Mind Must Continually Submit to the Human Spirit 409 Figure 82: Judgment is the result of an Active Conscience 410 Figure 83: Cosine is the Trajectory of Everybody’s Natural Life and Sine, the Trajectory for their Born-Again Life 437 Figure 84: This equation represents what was, and what now is! 440 Figure 85: In the beginning, the church was home, school, farm, business, career, government, etc. 441 Figure 86: Digitized Human Images for Space GPS purposes 452 Figure 87: Simulation of male and females souls with details that later become the physical person 453 Figure 88: Computerized Existence of all of God’s Creations, including Human Souls 454 Figure 89: God’s Design of the Human Intellect-the Human Mind Must Continually Submit to the Human Spirit 486 Figure 90: Our Space is carved Out of the Space of Heaven by God, to hold Our Universe 489 Figure 91:Our Universe is a tiny Kingdom Carved Out of His Kningdom of Heaven by God 490 Figure 92: Simulation of A Man’s Soul 491 Figure 93: Simulation of A Woman’s Soul 491 Figure 94: The Human Soul, which is eternal, regulates the retention and usage of Grace within the human body 492 Figure 95: Our Sun Showing dark patches, that simulates voided spirits 493 Figure 96: Distortion due to sin, is to the human soul what the emaciation of the human flesh is to the skeleton 496 Figure 97: Emaciation of the Body in a Starving Person is God’s Mercy at Work 497 Figure 98: Our Space is Six-Dimensional—and Not Three 499 Figure 99: Earth is completely Digitized by God for Easy tracking of Every Deatil of Every thing on the Earth 502 Figure 100: The Diamond Microstructure of Space that Scrolls through All of God’s Creations 504 Figure 101: The Coupling of 4 Eternal Life Realms and 4 Death Realms to form a microstructure of Space 505 Figure 102: Cosine is the Trajectory of Everybody’s Natural Life and Sine, the Trajectory of their Born-Again Life 512 Figure 103: God’s Mercy Jug-Handles lead to Christ’s Tunnels of Light for those Who are Truly Seeking the Truth 513 Figure 104: Routes of Beliefs—Science Versus Faith 514 Figure 105: The visible Life Realm controls Each Microstructure of Space, holding the Death Realm a Prisoner 515 Figure 106: Spiritual beings have no natural dimensions and so stay out of nature, except on our invitation 516 Figure 107: God predetermination and predestination is the reason for God’s declaration of Isaiah 45:7 518 Figure 108: Mechanical Advertising Billboard 519 Figure 109: Between God and every human being is an unbroken line of angels that are set up by God. 520 Figure 110: GPS assignments of every microstructure of space, is the reason why God’s curse/blessing endures 521 Figure 111: As we change position in space, our trinitarian balances reflect on the microstructures we encounter 522 Figure 112: The Holy Spirit of God is never without God the Father and God the Son in the world/universe 538 Figure 113: We were all created in Christ by God, with clearly mapped out good works for each of us 542 Figure 114: The successful subjugation of your mind to your spirit, restores trinities to your life 548 Figure 115: God endowed every human being with 3 dimensions of life: the natural, the spiritual, and the eternal 549 Figure 116: The Human Mind Must Continually Submit to the Human Spirit 553 Figure 117: All Commands of God Are Certifiable Scientific Steps designed by God for doing Life Correctly 575 Figure 118: God’s Design of the Human Intellect 576 Figure 119: Do not Learn on your own Understanding! 588 Figure 120: A single Black Hole Connects the Eight Realms of Our Space’s Microstructure, one to another 598 Figure 121: Space’s microstructure, showing three life (positive) dimensions and three death (negative) dimensions 599 Figure 122: The visible Life Realm controls Each Microstructure of Space, holding the Death Realm a Prisoner 600 Figure 123: The Jewel of the sky! 601 Figure 124: Clouds of Heaven illustrated 602 Figure 125: Health and hospitals are opposing measurements of the life inside a person 613 Figure 126: Specialized medical care does not improve the health of a nation: Obedience to God does! 614 Figure 127: Hospital is a measure of the death, rot and decay that is inside a society 617 Figure 128: Confinement is for animals: Not for human beings who are created in the image and likeness of God. 618 Figure 129: Law was necessary as a placeholder for maintaining peace and justice in society until Jesus Christ came 619 Figure 130: Our entire education has become about jobs and careers, and never about God’s purpose for us 620 Figure 131: The human life is all about redemption—not prosecution!. 622 Figure 132: Reason is not a complement to faith, but must work within faith. 627 Figure 133: If Reason operates outside of faith, Reason becomes a rogue and leads to errors and grief 628 Figure 134: Reason excites the mind and always tries to be in the lead. But the Spirit must always lead the mind 629 Figure 135: Only those who are truly looking to escape the devil recognizes God’s Mercy Jug-Handles 639 Figure 136: Cosine is the Trajectory of Everybody’s Natural Life and Sine, the Trajectory for their Born-Again Life 646 Figure 137: God’s Design of the Human Intellect—the Human Mind Must Continually Submit to the Human Spirit 648 Figure 138: Willing Submission to Authority is Love, and Prevents Domination by Authority from Surfacing 655 Figure 139: Cosine is the Trajectory of Everybody’s Natural Life and Sine, the Trajectory for their Born-Again Life 657 Figure 140: Holiness is the entire purpose of the Gospel 668 Figure 141: Semiconductor/ Printed Circuit board: Our new gods! 676 Figure 142: The world heavily guards tech materials from human filth, but continues to feed the same filth to God 677 Figure 143: Marriage is the most basic human community for God’s Electrolysis of Life 680 Figure 144: Cosine is the Trajectory of Everybody’s Natural Life and Sine, their Trajectory for Born-Again Life 682 Figure 145: A Look at Christ’s Electrolytic Regeneration within Human Communities 684 Figure 146: “Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance” (Matthew 25:28-30) 686 Figure 147: Jesus Christ is the gate that leads into the church—as in the electrical wires and the Silver Anode 692 Figure 148: Jesus Christ is the gate that leads into the human body and soul—as in the electrical wires/anode 693 Figure 149: Yoking ourselves together with one another, and with Christ in God’s Electrolysis of Life—Ionic 702 Figure 150: Trinity is the Image of God, and Holiness—the likeness of God—the true face of God 707 Figure 151: Mercy is the science that directs your mind, and help you decide on what is right and just 708 Figure 152: Mercy is both the software (Christ) and hardware (Christ) that operates all human intelligence 709 Figure 153: Holiness is not the absence of temptations in a person’s life, but settling for NEEDS, not WANTS 722 Figure 154: In the beginning, the church was home, school, farm, business, career, government, etc. 723 Figure 155: God writes His law on the human heart, which then impresses what is written on the human mind 726 Figure 156: The Human Being is a Switch that either allows the passage of the Current of Life or impedes Him 736 Figure 157: Our space is cut out by God, from within the space of Heaven 740 Figure 158: The clouds of Heaven and of the Earth 741 Figure 159: God’s Kingdoms of Lights and Who Rules Them 743 Figure 160: The Sea=naturally dead realms; Death=eternally dead realms; Hades=spiritually dead realms—Revelation 20:13……746 Figure 161: Space is Six Dimensional—and not Three 747 Figure 162: The Valley of the Shadow of Death is a creation of human disobedience of God—our Sin Economy 750 Figure 163: All knowledge in not good knowledge 751 Figure 164: The valley of Shadow of Death is real and substantive 752 Figure 165: God is always leading the way, whether you are gathering with Him or scattering in opposition to Him 753 Figure 166: Spiritual Baptism-Circumcision of a Repented Sinner’s Heart By Jesus Christ in God’s Electrolysis of Life, Ionic 767 Figure 167: God’s Rule of Love, which Jesus Christ Sacrificed His Life on the Cross for 768 Figure 168: Yoking ourselves together with one another, and with Christ in God’s Electrolysis of Life—Ionic 769 Figure 169: Believed Origin of Earth’s Diamonds 771 Figure 170: Leading diamond producers 772 Figure 171: A demonstration of dispersion 773 Figure 172: Diamond fire 773 Figure 173: Industrial diamonds 774 Figure 174: Cubic diamond crystal 775 Figure 175: Diamond drill bit 775 Figure 176: Diamond concrete saw 776 Figure 177: Mohs - Vickers hardness comparison 777 Figure 178: Our Space is one seamless diamond of extraordinary fineness and indescribable value 780 Figure 179: The Diamond Microstructure of Space that Scrolls through All of God’s Creations 781 Figure 180: Four Eternal Life Realms combined with Four Eternal Death Realms to Produce the Eight-Realms 782 Figure 181: Each realm of space is a triangular oblique pyramid, four (4) of which make a square right pyramid 782 Figure 182: Visualizing the Eight Realms of Space in a pictograph 783 Figure 183: Visualizing the 8 realms of space’s diamond microstructure as separate from the 8 partitions 784 Figure 184: Space Rack Containing 24 Life Realms of Space 784 Figure 185: Space Rack Containing 24 Death Realms of Space 785 Figure 186: The Loading of the Right Square Pyramids into Space Racks 785 Figure 187: The Stacking of the Space Racks One onto Another in 3-Dimensions gave rise to Our Space 786 Figure 188: Stacked Space Racks are Fully-formed Cube Diamonds 787 Figure 189: Real rough octahedral Diamond 788 Figure 190: Light enters the microstructures of space only through the light realm, which is the (x,y,z) coordinate 789 Figure 191: Anatomy of the flame 791 Figure 192: God is always leading the way, whether you are gathering with Him or scattering in opposition to Him 792 Figure 193: Mirror Image Dimensions of Ephesians 3:18 797 Figure 194: RNA transcription protein synthesis, mimicking God’s translation of souls from space to human spirit 800 Figure 195: RNA translation protein synthesis, mimicking God’s translation of souls from human spirit to body 801 Figure 196: In the beginning, the church was home, school, farm, business, career, government, etc. 803 Figure 197: Space scrolls through the human body; just as radiation scrolls through the human body and images it 805 Figure 198: The human soul, which is eternal, regulates the retention and usage of Grace within the human body 814 Figure 199: Our current space will merge back to the space of heaven after Christ defeats death 1 Corinthians 15:26 824 On a personal note, everything I give a title in my books, I put on paper when it came to me—that is, when I received it in my spirit. The “Poor in Spirit” title came to me this morning, September 30, 2017 while I was brushing up from waking up. I enclose the date of this revelation, to demonstrate to my readers that I do not make up any of the things I write about. Nor do I know them as clearly as they come out in my writings, prior to writing them.
I follow up on each revelation with a lot of research of secular knowledge via the internet; as well as a vast online Scriptural search, for authentication with relevant Bible passages. Thanks to BibleGateway.com for its free online multi-version Bible searches. Giving freely and generously, is the love which Jesus Christ commanded all to give! And this is not limited to persons, but to institutions as well. BibleGateway is therefore, providing vital services free of charge to all humankind! The churches should try that too.
I am humbled by the many revelations that continue to come to me. And I am learning to become still humbler, by applying in my life, the many revelations I received. I report everything as it has been given to me. My intention has never been to alienate anyone by the tone of my writing. Instead, it has always been, to alert everyone to the seriousness and the urgency of these revelations; so that we can all relearn a lot of what we have become accustomed to, which are misleading our lives.
If any of my writings seems harsh to anyone, please know that I was one of the offenders before I received the revelation, and continue to be, even after I have been given the revelation. However, once I receive a revelation, I strive to adjust my life, to make that revelation reflect in my appearance, my speech, and my actions. When I put these revelations in writing, I cannot help but to write them in the authority of God in which they were given to me. The world will still end (1 Corinthians 15:24), not because God has any desire of destroying what He had called “very good” after He had made it. The world will still end because after thousands of years of Christ’s sacrifice, we have gotten worse, not better!
What you are reading in this book and my many other books, is not my message, but God’s! So, overlook the human being that is bringing you the message, and concentrate on understanding the urgency of the message and applying the message to your everyday life. It is the only medicine you need for all your problems in life. Not only for the problems you already know, but more importantly, the problems you could not anticipate, but are coming anyway to everyone who ignores the message of truth. You will not realize how low you have fallen, and how much ground you need to cover to regain your trinitarian balances, until you begin to apply the commands of God in your everyday life, and discover how difficult it is, to break certain habits you have formed.
I encourage you to, like me, apply the messages in this book to your life as soon as you hear them. That is how every science is done. And your life is the most important science to God. Our “perfection,” as spoken of by Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Luke, comes, not from our lack of errors, but from our painstaking efforts to get life right—in accordance with the commands of God in the Bible. Our painstaking efforts demonstrate to God, our intensions to do right by God and save our lives! He will not fail you if you heed His call!
What I am offering here is my confession, and my apologies to anyone who would think I am judging them to feed my own ego; when my true objective—the mission I was sent on—is to help lift everyone out of the stranglehold that sin has put on all of us, which the devil continues to perfect through the world systems that dismiss and fight everything God! I now realize that my whole spiritual journey has been about becoming “poor in spirit,” so that I can better serve my fellow human beings, like many before us have already done, and others are now doing. Humility is not lack of authority or power. Rather, humility is standing by the truth while you are being persecuted for the truth, and still being merciful to those who persecute you (Numbers 12:13); (Luke 23:34)!
And faith is the confidence that comes from the knowledge of the infinitely advanced science of the human life, which comes through the help of the Holy Spirit. To the humble, faith is the gateway to good health, joy and eternal happiness with God and His Christ (1 Corinthians 1:18); (1 Corinthians 2:14). But to the proud and the complacent, faith, because of the simplicity of its premise (1 Corinthians 1:21), becomes a stumbling block that leads to ill-health, dissatisfaction, emptiness, fear, and other distasteful outcomes ((1 Corinthians 1:23)!
Unless you know the direction which any truth is pointing to, you do not know that truth at all, because truth is a vector, and not a scalar. Every truth has a defined direction that is associated with it in the sphere that is the human life. No one has the truth unless they know the direction of the truth in addition to the measure of the truth—which is the reason why Jesus Christ said to the Pharisees, “You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.” (John 5:39-40).
Religion has never been about God as much as religion has been about the Rule of Law and politics! Politics is not Government and government is not politics! And government and politics are not mutually exclusive either, which is the reason why other systems of government have thrived in our world, and persist today. It is the special interests which rose around the Christian church in Europe that weaved politics into government, and forced politics on the world, through colonialism and military occupations.
Government is a gift from God to human beings everywhere in the world (Genesis 1:28), to help them gather the resources which God has made available in their land, and share them equitably among themselves, for every citizen’s wellbeing. Politics on the other hand, is a divider that pitches people on opposing sides to compete with and subdue one another, for the promotion of special interests within every human society—when God had commanded all people to cooperate with and love one another, so that we’ll all bear fruit for kingdom of heaven. Yet, human beings everywhere clamor to politics, because everyone schemes to be the one who takes all the prize—instead of sharing what’s available with everyone as commanded by God—making consumerism and the zeal to accumulate the most wealth for ourselves, everybody’s number one preoccupation in life. Anyone who promotes competition of any kind, is promoting division and not unity, because competition is anti-love and anti-unity—the spirit of politics—and only breeds enmity and spite!
Learning gives you knowledge. God gives you wisdom. When you combine both the way you should, you gain understanding. With much knowledge and no wisdom, you are dangerous even to yourself. With wisdom and no knowledge, you are ignorant, but the advantage is that your wisdom tells you when you must get knowledge and helps you to get it. Knowledge by itself can never lead you to wisdom, because wisdom only comes from God and is given only to the humble at heart.
Giving the message of the gospel to others so that they can share in the joy of Jesus Christ is a responsibility that all believers have. Here is what the Bible says: “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?” (Romans 10:14 NIV).
Christ’s goal is to build both the Jews and the Gentiles into one new mankind, built up together to become a holy temple to the Lord. That is the hope which the “Creature” that is “mankind” of Romans 8:19-23 KJV—who has been groaning and travailing in pain—has been waiting for. If you are not reaching out to the Jews, you have grounds to cover; and if you are not reaching out to the Gentiles, you are trailing on the great commission and need to get started for the end is near. It is important for everyone who is called to the gospel of Jesus Christ to stay with the message and remain humble. The gospel has no equal because God has no equal. The light does not compete with darkness so why would the God of the universe compete with the things He created?
What Jesus Christ has given to us is not a religion, but life. Therefore, no religion (including the Christian Religion) competes with Christ. So, we are clearly not in competition with anyone. And no human being is any other human being’s enemy! Our job is to give the message and the Holy Spirit of God will make the message do what it is designed by God to do. With that understanding, no one Christian is in competition with any other Christian; and no one Christian organization is in competition with any other Christian organization. And no one religion is in competition with any other religion, because religion is a means to the end, and not the end itself. The end goal for every human being in all the religions of the world, is wholesome health and the joy of the heart here and now, and eternity with God and His Christ!