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You are a soul, a spirit and a body. The soul is really who you are. The soul is that discrete entity created by God as a being and equipped with intellect (the mind) and the spirit. Your soul is the you that God conceived, created and let loose to articulate and function at will, accumulating the experience and sophistication that cumulates into that which ultimately manifests itself as your character and conviction. The soul is a product of God's mind and is incorporated by God into the biological composition that results at human conception.   The spirit gives life to the soul, the body and the mind. The body carries out the will of the soul. The mind, with input from the spirit, decides for the soul. The spirit in each one of us is one and the same as the Holy Spirit. Unlike the soul, the spirit is not personalized but has the capacity and the power to work freely and at will in everyone, all of the time, and to the capacity desired by God. Our Maker designed our mind and the spirit in us to work in perfect synergy in the coordination of our thoughts and actions for the fulfillment of our destiny.  The spirit is designed to lead the mind and when this is the dynamics in our personal life, we are winners more than we are losers.  But when the mind dominates the spirit, we are led to sin and our live is out of balance. But if the mind continuously overrides the spirit, the spirit will still convict, but the constant resistance put up by the mind will cause a callus to develop between the spirit and the mind, so that the mind no longer feels the conviction of the spirit; thereby preventing the soul from feeling any remorse or regrets. The Bible describes such a  person as having a "seared spirit".  It is not the spirit that is callused because the spirit is "God in us" and God can never be callused. It is the mind that is callused. The Bible says that there is “One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” (Ephesians 4:6). In translation: ‘in’: God saturates everything in the universe, inside and outside, with His presence. ‘through’: He holds everything together (form and shape); and in relation to one another. ‘over’: He has total control over everything on earth and in the entire universe, and He and exercises that control. This actually suggests that our God is as huge as He is powerful. In essence, our God is in everything in the universe: from the coldest reaches of the universe to the hottest spots in it; from the darkest place in existence to the brightest place there is; from the most magical part of his creations to the most mundane part of it. And He can not only get to it and through it, He is in it and confidently controls what goes on in there. He is in the searing heat of the hottest stars in the universe and in the coldest expanse. He is in the noisiest and most violent storms in the universe as well as in the most tranquil depths among his creation. And this is His confidence that we will always have His protection because there is no place in the universe we could find ourselves that He could not get to and save and protect us from harm. No wonder, then, God talks to us about ‘He, being in us’ and ‘we, being in Him’. It is practical and true. And all His Guarantees are easy for Him to execute because He got us and everything He created all covered and protected. If anything within God’s abode gets off track and crashes into another, it does so by God’s allowance, not by accident. God has never left you since He brought you into the world, because He is the very life inside of you. As long as you have the will and continue to work things out, He stays with you, lending support and loving you. Even when the whole world deserts you, God is still there with you. Therefore unbelief is abuse of God! When you refuse to believe in God, you do whatever your mind convinces you to do, and some of that are abusive to the very life that is in you --- your spirit which is ‘God in you’.

Christ Is In Everyone! (DIGITAL VERSION)

SKU: DB120







    Christ Is In Everyone (You Either Submit to Him Or You Grieve Him)

    Pg. 11


    Who We Really Are

    Pg. 37


    God Continues To Interact with You

    Pg. 65


    Repent And Be Saved, Or Perish

    Pg. 85


    About The Author

    Pg. 143


    Other Titles From This Author

    Pg. 147




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