Being Contented with the Life You have is Your only formula to Happiness!
Abundant life means living in contentment! It is not just having all the money and materials you need to get the things you need and want...
True Prayer
It is not how well you say your prayer; it is how sincerely you say it. Your prayer to God is your communication with God. You...
Living According to God's Commands is Your True Worship of God!
This is worship to God: your holiness and your obedience to God. God does not call you to be impure but to be holy. See the following...
Relate To God as God Relates to You!
Christianity is not a religion. Christianity is “Christ in us,” because Jesus Christ comes into us and dwells in us when we accept Him...
The Difference Between Love and Likeness is like the difference between Day and Night!
Is it possible to love somebody you do not like? Yes! And this is what many are not considering when they question why a loving God would...
Obedience to God in your Marriage, can make you the Object of Ridicule!
Take note from Jeremiah the prophet. You may identify with what He is complaining about in his following lamentation, but do not quit...
Is it Illegal for a man to have sex with his wife?
The answer to that question is a resounding no! Sex within a marriage is the only form of sex authorized by God—with a sanction—“your...