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Writer's picturejesusonkm

All Our troubles Stem from Our Disobedience of God!

Good day to you all.

A new day has dawned.

And it is a very good day.

Today, God is simplifying for you, everything you have been taught in life.

Life is complex because life is God!

Yet, God makes the understanding of life so simple,

that we do not need schooling to understand life.

There are difficulties everywhere we turn.

And God told us why, in the Bible.

But the smart people around us told us that it is not so.

And we believe them, and continue to get into trouble:

God told us that we are constantly surrounded by death but need not worry because He’s got us covered.

That, all we need to do is continue to listen to Him and obey Him.

Again, the smart people around us told us there is no God:

That the religious people are simply scaring us away from being adventurous and discovering great things.

They continue to show us what we have been missing by not joining them.

We change our minds and join them,

Winning a little,

And losing a lot,

And wondering what we are not doing right.

The training we received from the smart people around us was so thorough, that upon joining them, we disconnect completely from God and from the truth of life:

1. Hospitals became health for us!

2. Prisons became love for us!

3. Insecurities replaced security in our lives!

4. Fear replaced confidence!

5. Uncertainties took the place of assurances!

6. Our faith in our human experts become stronger than our faith in God!

7. Scrapping up to get by, replaced the abundant life we were all promised by God!

8. Fighting and competing with one another replaced for us, peace and co-operation!

9. The “knowledge of good and evil” replaced for us, the “knowledge of life,”

that the more we learn, the less we know about God who is the life inside every one of us!

That has been our life of politics and convoluted religion!

God continues in the Bible to tell us that all of us are the reason for our troubles:

“Hardship does not spring from the soil, nor does trouble sprout from the ground” (Job 5:6 NIV)

So, choose to, indeed, make “Today” your day,

And painstakingly follow every command of God in the Bible as you live your life everyday “My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only he will release my feet from the snare” (Psalm 25:15 NIV)

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