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Your ability to serve God strictly depends on your availability to God. Make yourself fully available to God today, by resolving each day, not to victimize anyone; and regain—through the Saving Grace of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross—the humanity you and every human being have lost to the sinful nature. Then you will be sure to claim the great kingdom reward that awaits you!Marriage is the key to morality! That is why God promptly created marriage to unite the human family, and keep the human family from faltering. As a matter of fact, God created the woman so that He could create marriage. Marriage was conceived by God before Genesis 2:18. And the woman was conceived by God right after Genesis 2:20. God’s comment, “It is not good for the man to be alone,” Genesis 2:18, announces to mankind that God had plans to give companionship to the man. And “suitable for him”, tells us the nature of that companionship; which God confirmed as marriage in (Genesis 2-24).God’s declaration that the man He had created—Adam—was lonely and in need of a companion (Genesis 2:18) is a revelation to mankind that by that very instant, marriage had already been conceived by God, and the search for the right companion had begun. The infinitely resourceful God is never out of anything. He was simply establishing something for mankind to grasp by loudly proclaiming—“But for Adam no suitable helper was found” (Genesis 2:20).And upon that declaration, God went to work, and created Eve (Genesis 2:20). Then, God promptly took Eve to Adam and united them in marriage. God does not search for anything as if someone has to provide it to Him. “But for Adam no suitable helper was found” (Genesis 2:20) was simply God communicating a highly important truth to mankind: God’s separate conceptions of marriage, and the woman for the marriage. Since the Bible has declared that the woman is a gift to the man, marriage, therefore, is the occasion for that gift—“a helper suitable for him.” God did not create the Bible to remind Himself of what He did. God is infinite intelligence in Himself. God created the Bible to show human beings what God did, the order in which God did it (where He felt that it was important for us to know), and what His actions and activities were designed to teach us. God is not into empty talks. He never utters a word unless the word means something profound. And any word, which comes out of the mouth of our holy God, never returns to God without achieving what God had uttered the word for. His purpose always stands! The Bible declaring that a suitable helper for Adam “was not found,” was no slip of tongue. The declaration was also not recorded in the Bible to denote that God was at any time confounded as to what to do, and how to do it. God was simply setting the record straight for mankind! That declaration was designed by God to communicate to mankind, not only the sequence of events in the creation of the human family; but also the seriousness of marriage and marriage’s intended purpose for all human lives and human salvation, through the end of time.  The suitability of the woman for the man was all the rage for God. The matchup must be perfect, to produce the perfect marriage which God had planned for mankind’s flawless life on the planet earth. Marriage was intended by God to offer mankind a clear direction in life for our peace and our salvation. Marriage, therefore, was not conceived by God, simply to give Adam just about any companion. And God did not give a companion to Adam for companionship sake, either! God created marriage for mankind’s perfect morality, which will guarantee peace on earth, and goodwill towards all human beings; and ultimately usher mankind to its eternal salvation and life with God and His Christ.

Ask What You Can Do For The Kingdom of God, Volume 2

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  • 1

    Love is Mankind’s Humanity; the Sinful Nature is Voided Humanity

    pg. 3


    What Makes Sin So Lethal

    pg. 11


    Preach Sin and Save Lives

    pg. 21


    The Ravages of Sin—Not God—Demands Christ’s Sacrifice!

    pg. 37


    Why Must We Confess Our Sins to One Another

    pg. 79


    The War between Good & Evil is won or lost in Every One’s Mind

    pg. 89


    Christ Died to Save the Victimizer That You Are; not the Victim That You Are

    pg. 95


    Take up Your Cross Daily and Follow Christ

    pg. 121


    My Peace I Give to You

    pg. 127


    What is Morality?

    pg. 131


    Marriage is the key to Morality

    pg. 138


    Many Christians do not Understand Christ’s True Humanity

    pg. 147


    About the author

    pg. 159


    Other Titles from This Author

    pg. 161

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